Minor Repairs

For leading minor repair services in Washington, DC , Call EJ’S Pest Control now, at 202-455-9924

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Service Quality

We provide safe, effective and 100% guaranteed fast pest control services for all your needs. We make sure that the quality you receive is up to the mark and we can eliminate every last insect at your premises.

Safety First
Modern Tech

Our modern high-end equipment & solutions are the best in the industry. Our expert cleaners will evaluate the problem to find the quickest pest control solution with the latest effective methods for immediate prevention. All of our treatments are environmentally friendly and safe, meeting all required standards

Client Satisfaction​
Expert Team

All our technicians and staff are qualified, trained and highly skilled professionals. We work around the clock and are always available for emergency 24-hour support.

Minor Repairs for Insect Damage

We understand that prevention is critical when it comes to keeping bugs from your home. Over the years EJ’s Pest Control has become knowledgeable at the following services to help keep pests, rodents and more from gaining access to your home. Let us help you with the following services for an entirely controlled environment.

roof house wood

Services for an entirely controlled environment

Insulation Work

Remove fallen damaged insulation in the crawlspace, Reapply fallen insulation throughout crawlspace. Clean attics of animal feces and re-insulate attics if necessary.

Crawl Space Clear Out

Remove insulation, old vapor barriers, trash, and debris. Re-wrap AC ducts if needed.

Termite Damage Repair

Wood rot and structural repairs if necessary.

Moisture Control

Vapor barriers, moisture control vapor barriers, foundation fans, foundation vents, sump pumps, and French drains systems to remove water away from homes. Vapor barriers 6, 12, or 20 mil vapor barriers installed over 80-100% of the crawlspace to help aid in control of ground moisture.

Installation of Foundation Vents

Install new metal grated vents or temp vents.

Sump Pumps and French Drains

We will install French drains to catch water entering crawlspace. The water will then lead back to a sump well; the sump pump will then remove water from under home to a low ground spot away from home; to allow the water to drain back in the ground.

Foundation Fans

Draws air from other vents inside the crawlspace to help keep crawlspace dry.

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