Crawl Space Restoration

For leading Crawl Space Restoration in Washington, DC , Call EJ’S Pest Control now, at 202-455-9924

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Service Quality

We provide safe, effective and 100% guaranteed fast pest control services for all your needs. We make sure that the quality you receive is up to the mark and we can eliminate every last insect at your premises.

Safety First
Modern Tech

Our modern high-end equipment & solutions are the best in the industry. Our expert cleaners will evaluate the problem to find the quickest pest control solution with the latest effective methods for immediate prevention. All of our treatments are environmentally friendly and safe, meeting all required standards

Client Satisfaction​
Expert Team

All our technicians and staff are qualified, trained and highly skilled professionals. We work around the clock and are always available for emergency 24-hour support.

Why Worry About Your Home’s Crawl Space?


What is a crawl space?

Out of all of the areas in your home, the one that most homeowners seldom see and might not even know exists, is the crawlspace. Although this area is hardly looked at, it certainly should not be ignored.

Many crucial elements that can affect the health and safety of your home are housed in the crawlspace, including: your home’s foundation, plumbing, moisture barrier, subfloor insulation, and air ducts.

Not only are these elements key in the functionality of your home, but the condition of the elements themselves can greatly affect the overall health or your home and those that occupy it.

A cleanup of the vapor barrier in a crawlspace
Pest control service

Common Problems in a Crawl Space

Since crawlspaces are so rarely frequented, it can allow animals (particularly rodents) to infest and breed uncontrollably without the homeowner even knowing. Rodents and other wildlife, which take up residence under your home, can cause thousands of dollars in damage and contamination.

Beyond causing damage to your home and wallet, the center for disease control reports that as many as 35 different diseases are transmitted directly and indirectly from rodents. Independent studies suggest that 40% of the air you breathe comes from the air underneath your home—this is even higher in the winter when less air is able to come in through windows and doors and homeowners rely more heavily on heating their home from within.

Breathing in filthy contaminated air from your crawlspace day after day can create serious health risks. For these reasons and more, it is critically important to have a trained professional check your crawlspace at least once a year to insure your home is healthy and your family is safe.

roof house wood

Why Us?

At EJ’s Pest Control our healthy homes services team will begin with a thorough inspection of your crawl space, complete with detailed photos of our findings, completely free of charge. Many companies charge for this service, but we offer this to you at no cost to inform you of any potentially harmful conditions that might be present underneath of your home.

No matter what issues or conditions are present under your home, rest assured that your trained Western Exterminator specialists can identify and address them head on. At Western, we take your home and health seriously, and our crawlspace restoration and repair services have been designed with you in mind. The typical restoration project includes the following steps:

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